Tuesday, May 30, 2006

More Drama
Bought a new wireless card, plugged it in...didn't work. I spent 17 hours waiting for registry editor from Linksys and 5 hours on the phone with their Customer Service in India(?). I was finally getting somewhere after being transferred to a 2nd level tech twice who was transferring me to someone else in America when Owen pulled my laptop down off the desk and obliterated the second wireless card. So, Tommy and I spent Saturday buying a new laptop. This one has built-in wireless card.

I think we have finally decided to just purchase a new home in one of Tommy's neighborhoods. We went and looked at it on Saturday and it will do for now. Plus, it will get us over there and Tommy won't be driving 2 1/2 hours every day back and forth to work. It's going to be hard leaving our home we live in now. I'll miss our big closets and the master bathroom the most! But, it'll be okay!

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