Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Our Gingerbread House in Miniature

Joy (our elf) sometimes brings treats back from Santa. So far, he's brought back a wooden texture matching game, two packages of orange Tic-Tacs (they love those), two Christmas suckers, and our gingerbread house kit.

I was thinking this kit would be easier than my last gingerbread attempt with my nieces. I was also thinking smaller equals less mess, easier decoration, easier assembly...wrong.

The 4 packs of icing included in the package was nothing like royal icing. So I had to end up whipping up a batch of royal icing so the roof of our house wouldn't keep sliding off.

But, that's okay, while I was doing that, Owen was mixing the remaining four colors of icing together with a paintbrush and making purple paint for the roof, when he wasn't eating the decorations.

After the catastrophe was averted, it went pretty smoothly from there on out.

For $2.99 (on sale @ Michael's) I'm not quite sure what I expected. Since it was Santa's money, I can't complain.

Jack is missing from the pictures because he fell asleep too early. :(

I can't find the single kits like we used, but here's a link for the kits at Oriental Trading.

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