Monday, September 11, 2006

I have been pretty productive lately! Our dining room which was full of boxes is now only one third full with boxes!

I have taken up cross stitching again. It's funny how I can go for years without feeling the need to cross stitch, and now I'm back in this hobby full throttle.

I did set the sewing machine back up, finally. My sister and I hemmed five pair of work shorts for her husband. I'm pretty proud of how they turned out. I have to admit, I was a little nervous having never hemmed anything in my life. Since the machine is set up now, I want to finish a quilt I started before Jack was born. Maybe I can find some time to do that in the near future.

I have a roast (potatoes, carrots, and onions, too) in the crock pot. It smells great. I can't wait until Tommy gets home from work to eat!

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